Simple Gifts

The other day I wrote about making a felted journal cover. I have started mine and pictures soon to follow. If you are not into making that big of a project, making bookmarks maybe the way to go. They also use little bits of fiber and you can use scraps of just about anything for embellishments! These bookmarks were made from one piece of felt made using the wet felting method. You can find the tutorial here:

needlefelted bookmark

If you would rather needle felt your bookmark, they can be made individually. More time could be taken to put in a particular design. Again they do not require much fiber and you have great opportunities to use up small bits of fibers! Here is you tube tutorial on this process:

Fiber Art Cuffsanother great simple gift idea. Process is similar to making the bookmarks.

Aren’t these sheep adorable. The background can be made as one whole piece. The sheep are needlefelted and spaced far enough apart to make sure there is one on each bookmark. Cut apart and stitch around on your sewing machine. How Cute!!!

I’m fully inspired now and off to my studio to finish my journal cover and make some bookmarks for last minute stocking stuffers!

Happy Creating!
