The Needle-felting Machine!

The needle-felting machine. You saw it and you just had to have it! Now it is home and you are staring at it in the box. What to do?? Should I open it? If I do then I will have to try and use it…but I am scared!!! It looked so easy at the demonstration. I saw all the cool things you could do with it.

I was hooked!

But now here it is and I am afraid to open the box.

Does this sound familiar? You saw the cool fabric that was being made and you had so many ideas.

You saw how you could use your scraps of leftover fiber, fabric, ribbons, yarn & more. I don’t want to break any needles but I want to try!

Don’t be afraid! Take it out of the box.

Get a scrap piece of muslin or felt as your base. Lay out some fine wisps of roving on the base. Put it under the needles and here you go! It’s like machine quilting in a way. You run the machine faster then you are moving the piece. I usually put the pedal all the way down and then move my piece slower. If you move too fast and change directions quickly you will break needles. So do be careful.

Here is a cool blog I found; on making a piece using a needle felting machine. She lays it out step by step with great pictures!

rainbow series pink yellow

If you are looking to learn how to use your machine and want one on one, step by step instructions I am available for lessons. Please contact me at

I would be happy to get you started!

Happy creating!
